Friday, 1 March 2013

Cocos2d - Introduction

Cocos2d is a graphic framework or 2d engine that can reduce a lot of programing headache and speed up the whole development process. It is mainly for 2d game but you can use it for any interactive application as well. Here are a list of benefits.

  1. Free: This is an open source project(MIT license), and you don't need to pay anything when you use this engine. You do not need to release your source code either when you sell your app on the AppStore. Details:Link
  2. Support: Cocos2d forum provides all sort of Q&A regarding cocos2d as well as some helps for the use of iPhone sdk with cocos2d. This is the best place to get your question answered. Detail: Link
  3. Extensible: Currently cocos2d works on iPhone, iPod touch, and Mac. In other words, your app will only need a little bit of tweak then it can be run on all three platforms. It is also growing to support other platforms such as iOS, uPhone, Win32. Bada, Android with the use of languages like C++, Java, and Javascript. Detail: Link
  4. Fast: This 2d engine can show hundreds of sprite on the screen without affecting the frame rate.
  5. Powerful: Cocos2d support many features such as animation between scenes or layers, effects(Lens, Ripple, Waves, Liquid, Twirl, etc.), particle system, tile maps(Orthogonal, Isometric, and Hexagonal), Parallax scrolling, Sound, as well as Integrated physics engines(Box2d and Chipmunk).

I am currently use cocos2d with iPhone's Cocoa Touch Framework to develop an app for baby care in the health category. Both frameworks work happily together. 

Are you making a iPhone or Mac game? Or you want to provide a rich interactive app on those platforms? Considering cocos2d framework now.

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