NSLog(@"Downloading..."); // Get an image from the URL below UIImage *image = [[UIImage alloc] initWithData:[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://www.objectgraph.com/images/og_logo.png"]]]; NSLog(@"%f,%f",image.size.width,image.size.height); // Let's save the file into Document folder. // You can also change this to your desktop for testing. (e.g. /Users/kiichi/Desktop/) // NSString *deskTopDir = @"/Users/kiichi/Desktop"; NSString *docDir = [NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) objectAtIndex:0]; // If you go to the folder below, you will find those pictures NSLog(@"%@",docDir); NSLog(@"saving png"); NSString *pngFilePath = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/test.png",docDir]; NSData *data1 = [NSData dataWithData:UIImagePNGRepresentation(image)]; [data1 writeToFile:pngFilePath atomically:YES]; NSLog(@"saving jpeg"); NSString *jpegFilePath = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/test.jpeg",docDir]; NSData *data2 = [NSData dataWithData:UIImageJPEGRepresentation(image, 1.0f)];//1.0f = 100% quality [data2 writeToFile:jpegFilePath atomically:YES]; NSLog(@"saving image done"); [image release];
Wednesday, 24 July 2013
Wednesday, 17 July 2013
How to set UITextField Resign First responder ?
First of all assign UITextFieldDelegate in .h file Like this
@interface ViewController : UIViewController<UITextFieldDelegate>
Propertize textfield in .h file
@property (nonatomic, unsafe_unretained) IBOutlet UITextField * txtField;
Assign Delegate in viewDidLoad in .m file
self. txtField.delegate = self;
Add this Method in .m file
-(BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField
if(textField==self. txtField )
[self. txtField resignFirstResponder];
return NO;
return YES;
Ads: ebay
Ads: ebay
Understanding the ASIHTTPRequest authentication process
HTTP Authentication is one area where ASIHTTPRequest has had a fair number of changes recently. It can be difficult to understand how where credentials come from, and when they are applied and sent to the server.
Credentials for authentication can come from several places:
- the username, password and domain (NTLM only) properties of a request
- The url (eg: http://ben:copsey@allseeing-i.com)
- The session store (a list of credentials that have been used before in the same application session)
- The keychain. On Mac OS X, ASIHTTPRequest can use credentials stored by other applications, if the user agrees to allow access. On iPhone OS, ASIHTTPRequest can only read credentials that were stored by the same application.
- Request delegates that respond to authenticationNeededForRequest: can set credentials on the request when this method is called
- ASIAuthentication dialogs (when shouldPresentAuthenticationDialog is true)
Credentials can be applied to a request in two ways:
- Before a request is sent
When shouldPresentCredentialsBeforeChallenge is true, as is the default, requests can build an authorization header and apply it to the request before it is sent. The header is added only when the username or password properties are set on the request, or there are credentials requests that have previously used to talk to the same server in the session store. If a username and password are set on the request, ASIHTTPRequest can only create a basic authentication Authorization header, NTLM and Digest are not supported. - After a challenge from the server
If no credentials or the wrong credentials are sent to the server, it may respond with a 401 status code. ASIHTTPRequest will then attempt to find credentials it can use to resend the request.
Download PDF How its work:Here
Reference From:http://allseeing-i.com/
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ads: ebay
Monday, 8 July 2013
Failed to Attach to Process ID Xcode
iOS Simulator>Reset Content and Setting..>Reset
hope u can Fix this issue
ads: ebay
hope u can Fix this issue
ads: ebay
Go to your Application using Terminal
cd ../../Applications
would take you toMacintosh HD/Applications
ads: ebay
Monday, 10 June 2013
supportedInterfaceOrientations method not working on iOS 6 UIViewController
You Should Change in adding the viewController
Replace this code
[window addSubview:viewController.view];
by this line:
[window setRootViewController:viewController];
ads: ebay
Friday, 17 May 2013
How to create Lite Version For multiple targeted Application
If you want to build multiple versions of an application from a single Xcode project, you would want to cerate multiple targets. For example, when you want to release a free version and also a paid version, you should create 2 targets in that Xcode project.
This tutorial will cover the how-to and the pitfalls in creating multiple targets.
1 Create a New Target
Lets assume we have an application call "Flowers", which is a paid version. And we would want to create a lite version that has some reduced functionality but is free. It is to note that both the paid version and lite version would share the same code, with only some differences.
Firstly, create a new target. Under Groups & Files, right click on Targets > Add > New Target (Figure 1 below).
Select Application as the new target template.
Enter "FlowersLite" as the target’s name.
Pitfall: When a new target is added, it would not copy over any resources, compiled sources or libraries from the original target! You would need to copy them over manually (drag and drop from Flowers to FlowersLite). If you copy all correctly, you would see figure 2 below. The numbers in brackets indicate number of files, hence they should be the same for both the targets.
2 Info.plist
We could define properties, such as application name and icon files, for each of the target. Figure 3 below shows "Flowers-Info.plist" for the full version.
For the lite version, the "FlowersLite-Info.plist" could be changed as necessary. For example, the bundle identifier for the lite version could be "com.just2me.flowerslite" and the Icon file could be "Icon-lite.png" instead (as in figure 4 below).
3 Writing Preprocessor Codes
Preprocessor codes are used to determine which code would be used during compile time. You may want different targets to run different section of the codes using preprocessor codes. For illustration, we will add a LITE_VERSION definition to the lite version.
Under Targets, right click FlowersLite > Get Info.
Change Configuration to "All Configurations" (this is important).
In the Preprocessor Macros field, add the flag LITE_VERSION (see figure 5 below). Note: If you don’t see the section "GCC 4.2 – Preprocessing", change the active SDK to base SDK and try again.
With the flag LITE_VERSION defined, we could now write codes that will be compiled for the different targets. An example is shown in figure 6 below.
When the active target is selected and being run, it will work and print correctly.
4 Managing Resources
You could copy different resources (having same name but different) to the targets. Resource could refer to xib files, images, etc.
For example, if the lite version has a different default loading screen, you could create another Default.png for the lite version. Note: To make it work, you have to copy the correct Default.png to that target’s "Copy Bundle Resources", and also to remove the incorrect Default.png.
5 Build for Distribution
When you are ready to compile the application for submission to iTunesconnect (release distribution), there is one last important thing worth checking.
It was pointed out in section 3 (Writing Preprocessor Code), that you have to change the configuration to "All Configurations" before you make any changes to the target properties (in this tutorial is adding the LITE_VERSION flag). That is important as the same flag is needed for all configurations, including distribution.
PS: I am stressing this last step as I had made this mistake.. and it resulted in my lite version being released as a paid version because the LITE_VERSION flag was only set for Debug, and not for Distribution!! I did not realize this mistake when compiling for Distribution, as I could only compile the app but not run it on simulator/device..
Friday, 19 April 2013
Error launching remote program: failed to get the task for process 4278.
Error launching remote program: failed to get the task for process 4278.
Error launching remote program: failed to get the task for process 4278.
The program being debugged is not being run.
The program being debugged is not being run.
I get this while testing on device ........
what i do is
I have had problems debugging binaries on the device via XCode when the app includes an Entitlements.plist file, which is not necessary to install onto the device for debugging. In general, then, I have included this file for release builds (where it is required for the App Store) and removed it for debugging (so I can debug the app from XCode). That may be your problem here.
Update: As of (at least) August 2010 (iPhone 4.1 SDK) the Entitlements.plist is no longer necessary to include in your application in many cases (e.g., distribution through the App Store.) See here for more information on the cases when Entitlements.plist is required:
IMPORTANT: An Entitlements file is generally only needed when building for Ad Hoc Distribution or enabling Keychain data sharing. If neither of these is true, delete the entry in Code Signing Entitlements. (emphasis mine)
Also check your profile.
The ad-hoc profile doesn't support debugging. You need to debug with a Development profile, and use the Ad-Hoc profile only for distributing non-debuggable copies.
Sunday, 7 April 2013
What iPhone developer 3rd party products and services do you use?
HockeyApp http://hockeyapp.net/
Reliable crash reporting for beta and live apps, including server side symbolication and crash grouping. Beta distribution and management.
Reliable crash reporting for beta and live apps, including server side symbolication and crash grouping. Beta distribution and management.
Localytics http://localytics.com/
Live analytics for usage reporting.
Live analytics for usage reporting.
QuincyKit http://quincykit.net/
Open Source crash reporting framework for Mac and iOS. Manages sending crash reports to a server. Client can be used with HockeyApp or its own open source server. (Available since 2009)
Open Source crash reporting framework for Mac and iOS. Manages sending crash reports to a server. Client can be used with HockeyApp or its own open source server. (Available since 2009)
HockeyKit http://hockeykit.net/
Open source beta distribution framework for iOS and Android. Manages distribution beta versions easily, including in app updates. Client can be used with HockeyApp or its own open source server. (Available since August 2010)
Open source beta distribution framework for iOS and Android. Manages distribution beta versions easily, including in app updates. Client can be used with HockeyApp or its own open source server. (Available since August 2010)
PLCrashReporter http://code.google.com/p/plcrashreporter/
Collect crash reports reliably on iOS and Mac (not all CPU architectures on Mac yet fully supported). Is being used by QuincyKit and HockeyApp. (Available since 2009)
Collect crash reports reliably on iOS and Mac (not all CPU architectures on Mac yet fully supported). Is being used by QuincyKit and HockeyApp. (Available since 2009)
KIF https://github.com/square/KIF
Test framework for automated UI testing. Also helps testing regressions, memory issues, non reproducible crashes.
Test framework for automated UI testing. Also helps testing regressions, memory issues, non reproducible crashes.
AFNetworking https://github.com/AFNetworking/AFNetworking
Efficient networking framework
Efficient networking framework
JSONKit https://github.com/johnezang/JSONKit
Very fast JSON framework, as of now the fastest out there.
Very fast JSON framework, as of now the fastest out there.
AppSales-Mobile https://github.com/omz/AppSales-Mobile
Download and analyze iTunes Connect sales data for your apps.
Download and analyze iTunes Connect sales data for your apps.
Three20 http://three20.info/
Mostly for ui things like the pull-down-to-refresh-tableview.
Mostly for ui things like the pull-down-to-refresh-tableview.
iCarousel https://github.com/nicklockwood/iCarousel
Open Coverflow clone.
Open Coverflow clone.
ASIHttp http://allseeing-i.com/ASIHTTPRequest/
If NSURLConnection is not enough.
If NSURLConnection is not enough.
OpenClusterMapView https://github.com/yinkou/OCMapView
To also mention my own little project here: a quick, very simple and free clustering framework for the MKMapView
To also mention my own little project here: a quick, very simple and free clustering framework for the MKMapView
In fact, there is a great website called http://cocoacontrols.com/ where you can look for great controls for either OS X or iOS.
Ads: ebayTuesday, 2 April 2013
How to Rename AppDelegate File ?
Do you need to change the filename of your appDelegate file? You obviously can’t just rename the file, because the project looks for it as an entry point to your code. XCode actually makes this really easy to do, although it’s not immediately obvious how to do it. Just go into your appDelegate’s .h file, right-click on the Class name (right next to @interface), and choose “Refactor”. From there, the process is pretty simple. Just make sure Rename is selected in the drop-down list on the left, and enter the new class name in the text box on the right. Click Preview, and you’ll get a report of what will be changed. Click Apply to apply the change. That’s it. Simple as that.
Tuesday, 5 March 2013
Dealing with the Twitter Oauth-Apocalypse
Twitter changed its access policies and now requires OAuth from all third party applications that access Twitter user accounts. This is a large change from how many iPhone developers having been incorporating Twitter into their applications. What is OAuth exactly? How can iPhone developers get their apps up to date so they do not break their Twitter incorporation? Well we have all the info you need to know about the OAuth Apocalypse.
What is Oauth?
Twitter has a brief explanation of the difference between Basic Authentication and OAuth. They use the example of a letter and how it is addressed as their metaphor, and I think this gets the idea across clearly. You can see their entire explanation alongwith pros and cons here .
TL, DR With Basic Auth you would make every request and would include a username and password with each. This method is very insecure because It allows applications to Actively hold user's credentials and does not have any accountability for Which application is performing what action on who's account. If you imagine your Twitter account as a room, this is like having access to the room be granted based on a single key that many people have copies of. OAuth makes access to your room be granted by a key pad. And everyone that has access to the room has a different code they input into the keypad. You can see who came in and when and revoke anyone's code at any time.
Twitter is evolving and now Requiring applications that register. As a result, gain more control over user's what services have access to their account. Additionally, Twitter can be more effective at targeting malicious applications, and developers can get more accurate feedback on the frequency of their use throughout app's Twitter.With all this said, OAuth is tough to implement from scratch. So today we are going to go through the installation and use of a collection of classes that takes care of the dirty work for us, and let developers update the Twitter functionality of their application easily.
Required Classes
Today we are going to be building off a collection of classes that were created by several different people. The main portion of the class is the MGTwitterEngine Which was created by Matt Legend Gemmell who's website can be found here . From here, Ben Gottlieb took the classes and added his own drop in viewcontroller to them.With all this together we have a simple view controller that will perform login and OAuth, and from there an engine that wants to perform any type of Twitter request we are looking to do. You can get a zip file of the root folder that contains all of these files here .
We are going to start out with a blank, view based iPhone project called iCodeOAuth.Once the project has come up, take the folder you downloaded called "Twitter + OAuth" and drag it into the "Other Sources" folder within Xcode. Make sure you check the box to copy the sources into the project folder. If we do a build now, you will get a ton of errors. That is because these classes require that libXML be a target of the project build as well. This can be accomplished by clicking the arrow next to targets in the left column of the Xcode project. Here there will be an application called iCodeOAuth. If we right click on this and select Get Info we will see the info about our target. From here we click the Build tab and search for the field "Header Search Paths". You need to add the following into the Header Search Paths:
$ (SDKROOT) / usr/include/libxml2
EDIT: I forgot to include here so that you must include a special XML library for the build to be successful. The framework is called libxml2.dylib.You can find it at
/ Macintosh HD/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDK/iPhoneOS4.1SDK/usr/lib
If you build again, you should see no errors and we can move forward with using this awesome set of classes.
Getting your creds from Twitter
Now that we have these classes properly installed, it is time to take care of some registration requirements for OAuth. In order to use OAuth, you must identify your app to Twitter. Once you do so, Twitter wants to Ooops OAuthConsumerKey with you and to OAuthConsumerSecretKey. These are going to need to be provided to the classes we have just added into our project in order to talk with Twitter's OAuth system To register your application and get these creds go tohttp://dev.twitter.com/apps/new . I have created a demo application called the iCodeBlog OAuth, Whose credentials are included in the sample app which i have provided. For your own personal app you will need to go create your own Twitterapplication and get your own keys.
Using SA_OAuthTwitter Engine
Ben Gottlieb used a great design pattern to create a very easy to use access point for the more complex MGTwitterEngine Which lies underneath. In order to use these classes we will go out into viewcontroller and add the following code to the header:
# Import "SA_OAuthTwitterEngine.h" # import "SA_OAuthTwitterController.h" @ Interface iCodeOauthViewController : UIViewController { IBOutlet UITableView * tableView; IBOutlet UITextField * textField; SA_OAuthTwitterEngine * _engine; NSMutableArray * tweets; } @ Property ( nonatomic, retain ) IBOutlet UITableView * tableView; @ property ( nonatomic, retain ) IBOutlet UITextField * textField; - ( IBAction ) update stream : ( id ) sender; - ( IBAction ) tweet : ( id ) sender; @ End |
And add the following into the Main
- ( void ) viewDidAppear : ( BOOL ) animated { if ( _engine ) return ; _engine = [ [ SA_OAuthTwitterEngine alloc ] initOAuthWithDelegate : self ] ; _engine.consumerKey = @ "PzkZj9g57ah2bcB58mD4Q" ; _engine.consumerSecret = @ "OvogWpara8xybjMUDGcLklOeZSF12xnYHLE37rel2g" ; UIViewController * controller = [ SA_OAuthTwitterController controllerToEnterCredentialsWithTwitterEngine : _engine delegate : self ] ; if ( controller ) [ self presentModalViewController : controller animated : YES ] ; else { tweets = [ [ NSMutableArray alloc ] init ] ; [ selfupdate stream : nil ] ; } } |
This will instantiate our engine with The appropriate consumer and consumer secret key. With this done we will create a controller. If you run the app now you will see a modal web view come up and lead to a sign in page for Twitter. This is a web view, but the great classes written by Ben are programmatically set up to handle the progression of these web views as the user signs in.
Login handling callbacks
Insert the following into your main class.
- ( IBAction ) update stream : ( id ) sender { } - ( IBAction ) tweet : ( id ) sender { } # Pragma mark SA_OAuthTwitterEngineDelegate - ( void ) storeCachedTwitterOAuthData : ( NSString * ) data forUsername : ( NSString * ) username { NSUserDefaults * defaults = [ NSUserDefaults standard user defaults ] ; [ defaults setObject : data forKey : @ "authData" ] , [ defaults synchronize ] ; } - ( NSString * ) cachedTwitterOAuthDataForUsername : ( NSString * ) username { return [ [ NSUserDefaults standard user defaults ] objectForKey : @ "authData" ] ; } # Pragma mark Delegate SA_OAuthTwitterController - ( void ) OAuthTwitterController : ( SA_OAuthTwitterController * ) controller authenticatedWithUsername : ( NSString * ) username { NSLog ( @ "Authenticated with user% @" , username ) ; tweets = [ [ NSMutableArray alloc ] init ] ; [ selfupdate stream : nil ] ; } - ( void ) OAuthTwitterControllerFailed : ( SA_OAuthTwitterController * ) controller { NSLog ( @ "Authentication Failure" ) ; } - ( void ) OAuthTwitterControllerCanceled : ( SA_OAuthTwitterController * ) controller { NSLog ( @ "Authentication Cancelled" ) ; } |
We just implemented the SA_OAuthTwitterControllerDelegate and the SA_OAuthTwitterEngineDelegate. The SA_OAuthTwitterEngineDelegate methods take care of OAuth Storing the data string in a plist as that when the app is launched again the user will not have to sign in. SA_OAuthTwitterControllerDelegate methods are callbacks Depending on what happens upon sign in. In this case when sign is in another successful method in our class called updateTweets will fire. For now we have those methods defined but we do not have them filled in. We will get to that in a few steps. If you run the application and login using some Twitter credentials, you should see a successful authentication message appear in your debug screen. With this done, let's add some interface elements to our viewController XIB Sun that we can start interacting with Twitter. Our final product is going to look like this:

Building the Interface
Build the interface to open up the XIB for your viewcontroller. We are going to be putting. In 2 buttons, a UITextField and a UITableView Lay out the elements like Sun

Make sure to connect the delegate and datasource of the table view to the file owner. So connect the "Tweet This" button to the tweet method and the update to the update method tweets stream method. Finally, make sure the IBOutlets for the UITextField and the UITableView are set. With these in place we can fill in the final methods to take advantage of our Twitter engine.
Filling in our IBActions
Put the following code in for the IBActions Which We defied before.
# Pragma mark IBActions - ( IBAction ) update stream : ( id ) sender { [ _engine getFollowedTimelineSinceID : 1 startingAtPage : 1 count : 100 ] ; } - ( IBAction ) tweet : ( id ) sender { [ textField resignFirstResponder ] , [ _engine send update : [ textField text ] ] , [ selfupdate stream : nil ] ; } |
The update stream method will ask our engine to get the Twitter timeline of the people you follow. It will retrieve the first page of the first 100 tweets. There is a delegate method that fires off on completing this request that we will fill out in a moment. The tweet method dismisses the keyboard and then uses our engine to send an update. Once the update is sent we update the tweet view below.
Making a really simple Tweet Object
To help us with displaying tweets we are going to make a very quick Tweet object.This will be a simple NSObject subclass. Use this code for the header:
@ Interface Tweet : NSObject { NSDictionary * contents; } - ( NSString * ) tweet; - ( NSString * ) author; @ End |
And this code for the main
@ Implementation Tweet - ( id ) initWithTweetDictionary : ( NSDictionary * ) _contents { if ( self = [ super init ] ) { contents = _contents; [ contents retain ] ; } return self; } - ( NSString * ) tweet { return [ contents objectForKey : @ "text" ] ; } - ( NSString * ) author { return [ [ contents objectForKey : @ "user" ] objectForKey : @ "screen_name" ] ; } @ end |
Finally make sure to import the class within the main class of your viewcontroller.These will simply give easy methods to get the info we want out of each tweet that the dictionary MGTwitterEngine will return to us.
Filling in our MGTwitterEngineDelegate Methods
The MGTwitterEngine is doing most of the heavy lifting here when it comes to interacting with Twitter. The methods we are using to get to send tweets and tweets are all defined within the MGTwitterEngine. There is thus a defined MGTwtterEngineDelegate Which defines the callback methods that fire upon these requests finishing. For the sake of completeness, I have filled out all the methods, although only a few of them will be called in the case of our application working properly. Insert the following code into your main.
# Pragma mark MGTwitterEngineDelegate Methods - ( void ) requestSucceeded : ( NSString * ) connection identifier { NSLog ( @ "Request suceeded:% @" , connection identifier ) ; } - ( void ) statusesReceived : ( NSArray * ) statuses forRequest : ( NSString * ) connection identifier { tweets = [ [ NSMutableArray alloc ] init ] ; for ( NSDictionary * d in statuses ) { NSLog ( @ "See dictionary:% @" , d ) ; Tweet * tweet = [ [ Tweet alloc ] initWithTweetDictionary : d ] , [ tweets addObject : tweet ] ; [ tweet release ] ; } [ self.tableView reloadData ] ; } - ( void ) receivedObject : ( NSDictionary * ) dictionary forRequest : ( NSString * ) connection identifier { NSLog ( @ "Recieved Object:% @" , dictionary ) ; } - ( void ) directMessagesReceived : ( NSArray * ) messages forRequest : ( NSString * ) connection identifier { NSLog ( @ "Direct Messages Received:% @" , messages ) ; } - ( void ) userInfoReceived : ( NSArray * ) userInfo forRequest : ( NSString * ) connection identifier { NSLog ( @ "User Info Received:% @" , userInfo ) ; } - ( void ) miscInfoReceived : ( NSArray * ) miscInfo forRequest : ( NSString * ) connection identifier { NSLog ( @ "Misc Info Received:% @" , miscInfo ) ; } |
These methods are all very straight forward in their naming. The only one we fill out Significantly is the statusesReceived: forRequest method. Here is where tweets will be returned to us, each as a separate dictionary when we request the timeline for a user. We will clear the tweets array that we have defined for our class and create a Tweet object for each of the dictionaries we have representing a tweet. From there we will ask our table view to reload. The only task we have left to perform is to fill in our table view data source methods to show all the tweets.
Table View Data Source and Delegate Methods
Now we have everything in place. We just need to create a UITableViewCell for every tweet we have. We will also do some tweaking of the cell size of each cell and the number of lines of each UITextField within each tableView. These methods are very common so I wont go into much detail on them. Here are the Necessary Data Source and Delegate Methods.
# Pragma mark UITableViewDataSource Methods - ( NSInteger ) tableView : ( UITableView * ) tableView numberOfRowsInSection : ( NSInteger ) section { return [ tweets count ] ; } - ( UITableViewCell * ) tableView : ( UITableView * ) tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath : ( NSIndexPath * ) indexPath { NSString * identifier = @ "Cell" ; UITableViewCell * cell = [ tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier : identifier ] ; if ( ! cell ) { cell = [ [ UITableViewCell alloc ] initWithFrame style : UITableViewStyleGrouped reuse identifier : identifier ] ; / / [cell setBackgroundColor: [UIColor clearColor]]; } [ cell.textLabel setNumberOfLines : 7 ] , [ cell.textLabel setText : [ ( Tweet * ) [ tweets objectAtIndex : indexPath.row ] tweet ] ] ; return cell; } - ( CGFloat ) tableView : ( UITableView * ) tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath : ( NSIndexPath * ) indexPath { return 150 ; } |
With this in place you will have an OAuth twitter client that is capable of doing any type of interaction with Twitter. You can find the source for the project here
Source : icodeblogs
Source : icodeblogs
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